Privacy policy

Privacy notice pursuant to EU Regulation No. 2016/679 and national legislation on personal data protection

This online Privacy Policy explains how Arte Creta srl manages the Personal Data that is provided on this website Arte Creta srlis responsible for the processing of personal data at under the applicable law.

The Data Controller

The data controller is Arte Creta srl with registered office in Caltanissetta (CL), Via Xiboli 314, 93100 with the following contact details Arte Creta srl will process your Personal Data in compliance of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 and of the national legislation concerning the protection of personal data (hereinafter Privacy Law).

What Personal Data We Process and How We Collect Ito

Your browsing on the Site may involve the collection and subsequent further processing of your Personal Data by Arte Creta srl. In fact, in connection with the Site, the computer systems and software procedures used for their operation shall and / or acquire automatically and indirectly some information (such as, by way of example, the so-called cookies, as specified in the Privacy Notice - Cookie, which is at the end of this information, IP addresses, names domains of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in the notation Url of the requested resources, the time of the request to the server). Even your registration to the Site any requests for information or services from you may result in the collection and subsequent processing of your Personal Data (such as name, surname, postal and e-mail address, telephone number, etc.).
In particular, the collection of your Personal Data may take place:

- by filling in online forms on your part;
- through your registration via social log-in; and
- through the publication by you of Contributions (as defined below), the content of which may include your Personal Data conferred directly by you, on social networks managed independently by third parties, such as, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram , etc. (Social Network).

By Contributions we mean the images, the comments, the effect phrases associated with the subject matter of the Site, the contents and any other information you have conceived and published on the Social Network pages dedicated to products of the different brands of the Arte Creta srl, including the image you eventually confer. The publication of the Contributions can also be made through a pseudonym (nickname) you have chosen during registration on the Site, and possibly to the image that you have associated with your nickname.

When choosing the nickname and any associated image, you remain solely responsible for any prejudices that the use of the nickname or image may cause to third parties.
In the event that you choose to register on the Site or send a request through the Contact section of the Site, the provision of some Personal Data is necessary for Arte Creta s.r.l. may meet your needs within the scope of the Site's functionality, so the relevant fields of the registration form are marked with an asterisk or are otherwise marked as mandatory. The provision of Personal Data not marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory is merely optional and the failure, partial or incorrect conferment of such Personal Data does not result in any consequence. However, failure to provide, in part or inexact, the Personal Data marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory does not make it possible to perform the services you have requested. In the event that you have omitted to provide one or more mandatory Personal Data, you will receive an error message of Arte Creta s.r.l. with the list of missing mandatory Personal Data.
You can register on the Site also through social log-in, that is through the automatic compilation, thanks to your request to a Social Network, to which you are registered, to communicate to Arte Creta s.r.l. some of the data that you have already given to the Social Network; in the latter case, Arte Creta s.r.l. recommends paying attention to the following:
- selecting the link that allows registration through a Social Network, on the Site or on one of the pages of Arte Creta s.r.l. on the Social Network, a window will appear containing a box to accept the communication of your Personal Data from the Social Network to Arte Creta s.r.l..

What are the purposes of processing your Personal Data and its legal basis

According to the needs from time to time manifested by accessing the various sections of the Site (and except for individual initiatives involving the provision of specific Personal Data, for which specific information will be published from time to time on the Site), following are the purposes of the processing of your Personal Data and the related legal bases.

    a) Managing and responding to your requests
You can decide to give consent to the processing of your Personal Data for the management and response, by Arte Creta s.r.l. to your requests. In relation to this purpose, your consent is required at the time the requests are sent. In the event that you decide not to give consent to the processing of your Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes it will not be possible to continue with the sending of your request.
    b) Receiving the newsletter
You can decide to subscribe to the dedicated newsletter service. In relation to this purpose, your consent is required at the time of subscription to the newsletter service. Furthermore, even without your consent, Arte Creta s.r.l. You may process your Personal Data for the following purposes:
     i) management of your registration on the Site and activities connected to the activation and use by you of the services offered therein, to your interaction with the Site and with the sections present in it, including sending e-mail c.d. Transactional, related to the registration procedure on the Website and the maintenance of your active account (as a necessary treatment for the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures);
     ii) management and execution of the obligations required by law (accounting, administrative, fiscal, etc.);      iii) management of disputes and any disputes (as legitimate interest of the Owner).

How we process your Personal Data

The processing of your Personal Data may include any type of operation, including collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction.
Your Personal Data will be processed in a mainly automated but also paper form, with logic strictly related to the related purposes, through the data base, the electronic platforms managed by Arte Creta s.r.l. or third parties appointed for this purpose external processing and / or integrated computer systems of Arte Creta s.r.l ..
The Controller has assessed the level of security as appropriate considering the risks that could derive from loss, destruction, modification, unauthorized disclosure, accidental or illegal access, abuse or alteration of your Personal Data. In particular:
     - has adopted appropriate security measures for risks;
     - keep your Personal Data on servers.

Where we process your Personal Data

Your Personal Data is processed mainly at the Data Controller's premises and in the locations where the data processors are located.

For how long we keep your Personal Data

In order to ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of processing, the Controller has identified different times of storage of Personal Data in relation to the individual purposes pursued:
     (i) for the purposes of managing your registration on the Site as well as activities related to the activation and use of the services offered therein, to your interaction with the Site and the sections present in it, your Personal Data will be stored for the time strictly necessary and in any case at least until your profile is active;
     (ii) for the purpose of handling responses to your requests, your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the processing of your request;      (iii) for marketing purposes, ie for commercial communications, including by e-mail, text message and push notification, concerning the sending of promotional and advertising material relating to any brand of the Arte Creta group s.r.l. or carrying out market research, your Personal Data, excluding contact information, will be kept for a maximum period of 36 months;      (iv) for the purpose of sending newsletters, your Personal Data, excluding contact information, will be kept for a maximum period of 36 months.
(v) for the purposes of the management and execution of the obligations established by law (accounting, administrative, tax, etc.), your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for this purpose;      (vi) for the purpose of handling disputes and any disputes, your Personal Data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for this purpose and, in any case, no later than the applicable limitation period.

Who are the recipients of your Personal Data

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to and processed by: (i) legal or physical persons acting as external processors, carrying out outsourced activities, appointed by Arte Creta s.r.l. or by the external managers of Arte Creta s.r.l. (including subjects who are entrusted with assistance, communication, marketing, advertising, promotions and sales of products and / or services, as well as advertisers, advertising agencies, IT service providers, Site managers, operators of electronic platforms, partners, institutes credit, professional studies);
(ii) employees and / or collaborators of the Controller (including system administrators) who, operating under the direct authority of the latter, will be authorized to process your Personal Data; and
(iii) employees and / or collaborators of external data controllers (including system administrators) who, acting under the direct authority of external data controllers, will be authorized to process your Personal Data. Your Personal Information will not be disclosed to third parties except in the case where your Personal Information should be communicated by Arte Creta s.r.l. to consultants in order to protect their rights, or disseminated. In the event that you have entered Personal Information in your nickname and / or has also associated it with your own image, it may, however, be disseminated of such Personal Data by means of the Site or the Social Networks.

Your rights in relation to the processing of your Personal Data

The Privacy Policy recognizes you, as an interested party, a number of rights, in particular you have the right to:       1. obtain from the Controller confirmation of the existence or otherwise of your Personal Data, even if not yet registered and their communication in an intelligible form as well as access to your Personal Data (obtaining a copy) and related information (including the purposes of the processing, the categories and the origin of the Personal Data, the categories of recipients to which they have been or may be communicated, the retention period (when possible), the rights exercisable);    2. obtain from the Owner the correction of your Personal Data and the integration of your incomplete Personal Data;
   3. cancel your profile on the Site and, in any case, obtain from the Owner the deletion of your Personal Data without undue delay, among other things, when the Personal Data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were processed or not there is more legal basis for their treatment;
   4. obtain from the Owner the anonymous transformation or blocking of your Personal Data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be stored, in relation to the purposes for which the Personal Data were collected or subsequently processed ;
   5. obtain from the Owner the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data, inter alia, when you dispute the accuracy or you are opposed to processing, for the period necessary for the respective checks;
   6. receive, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device, your Personal Data and transmit or, if technically feasible, obtain direct transmission of your Personal Data to another data controller without impediments, in cases where the processing is carried out by automated means and is based on your consent or is necessary for the execution of a contract of which you are a part;    7. withdraw consent to the processing of your Personal Data for any purpose for which it was provided.
You can exercise your rights towards Arte Creta s.r.l. by accessing the Contact section of the Website or by writing to the following e-mail address or by sending an e-mail to Arte Creta s.r.l. a letter by ordinary post.
Moreover, in the event that you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the Privacy Law, you can file a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data of the State where you live, where is your place of work or where the alleged violation has occurred, or contact the same Authority to request information regarding the exercise of your rights under the Privacy Law.

The right to object to the processing of your Personal Data

At any time and for reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data (including profiling) that is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the owner or third parties. In this case, the Owner refrains from further processing your Personal Data unless he demonstrates the existence of binding legitimate reasons that prevail over your interests, rights or freedom or is necessary for the assessment, exercise or defense of a law in court.
Without prejudice to your right to withdraw consent for processing for marketing and profiling purposes, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data for purposes of direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that it is related to such marketing direct, by accessing the Contact section of the Website or by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:


Cookies are lines of text that act as computer markers sent by a server (in this case, that of the Site) to a user's device (usually to the Internet browser) when they access a given page a website, cookies, which can also be set by websites other than those that the user is visiting (third-party cookies), are automatically stored by the user's browser and re-transmitted to the server that generated them every time the user accesses the same Internet page, for example, cookies allow and / or facilitate access to some Internet pages to improve the user's browsing (that is, they allow the memorization of pages visited and other specific information, such as frequently visited pages, connection errors, etc.), or allow profiling activities, therefore, for a facilitated and complete use of a website, it would be opportune to or that the user configures his browser to accept the receipt of these cookies.

Types of cookies used on our site
The site uses 2 types of cookies:  
A. Site usage cookies
The cookies used on the site allow us to optimize our website and to locate any technical problems encountered.
They also allow us to gather information about the way visitors to the site, in particular the number of visits per page, the number of error messages displayed, the time spent on a page or the number of clicks on a site area .
The archived data can not be used for commercial purposes.  
B. Cookie Analytcs
Google Analytics cookies allow you to generate reports on visitor interactions with websites. These cookies are used to store information that does not allow personal identification of users. The extended information of Google Analytics can be found at this address.

How to enable or disable cookies on your browsers:

You can block the acceptance of cookies by your browser, however, this operation may make it less efficient or prevent access to certain features or pages of the Website.
Here are the ways offered by the main browsers to block the acceptance of cookies:

Internet Explorer:

The social button

The Owner uses the social button on the Website.
The social buttons are digital buttons or direct links to the social network platforms configured in each individual button. With a click on these links you will have the opportunity to interact directly with the accounts (social pages) of the Owner. The managers of the social networks to which the buttons refer are independent data controllers. More information on the individual privacy policies of the Social Network platforms and on how to manage and deactivate the related cookies can be found on the Social Network platforms.